COVID-19 Updates

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PO Box 1507 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0

March 19, 2020

Dear Sirrom Wiring customers,

The COVID-19 pandemic is at the forefront of everyone’s minds in our province, our country and our world. We want to update you on our response during these trying times.

Our business remains open and we are working hard to continue to complete your electrical projects as scheduled. Updates happen quickly and changes are being made on a regular basis sometimes leaving us at the mercy of the unknown. Many of our suppliers have closed their doors to the public and have requested staff to work from home, and understandably so. Currently we are still able to receive materials for projects in a timely manner however that may too change without notice. 

With that being said, the safety of our staff and customers is our paramount concern. We want to ensure you that we are doing everything possible to make our visits within your homes and businesses as safe for you as it is for us. Every situation is different and we will be discussing safety procedures with our customers prior to responding to any service calls. We have instructed our staff on the most up to date protocols from Alberta Health Services and requested they remove themselves from any situation they feel unsafe to work in. In return, we ask that as a customer, you be open and honest about any respiratory symptoms, recent travel, or exposure to COVID-19 that you may have had. If you are in quarantine, we will be unable to assist you at this time.

We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic as it progresses and will keep you up to date with any further changes in our procedures. We thank you for your assistance in keeping us all safe and look forward to continuing to provide you Service with Integrity.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew & Donna Morris
Sirrom Wiring and Electrical Services Ltd.

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